4840 Hoffner Ave.
Orlando, FL

Property Details
The Conway Logistics Center development consists of a new 204,900 square foot Class A distribution center in Orlando, FL.
The building features a front-load configuration with a 132′ deep truck court, 32′ clear height, 34 dock-high doors, and 2 drive-in doors with ramps.
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This property is located 8.5 miles northwest of Orlando’s central business district and is in the metro's largest industrial submarket. This development has great access to the metro’s major thoroughfares such as I-4, Hwy-528, Hwy 417, and Hwy 526 Speedway. It is also located 2.6 miles from the Orlando International Airport and 5.1 miles from the CSX Intermodal Terminal.
The land was acquired by Dalfen in January 2020. This project was completed in Q3 2022.
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